The DJURA Cigar is specifically designed for serialization of cigar packaging. Despite its many functionalities, the Djura Cigar occupies less than two square meters of space.
- Packaging recognition (ensures production of the correct product)
- Packaging quality control (position and orientation, presence and position of seal or tax stamp, and EAN code verification)
- Print surface recognition (always a centered code) Dual laser coding systems (for European and Russian markets)
- Labeling capability
- Code readability verification
- Reject system for rejected packages
- Independent of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of existing machinery/production line (standalone machine).
- Independent of the EU member state. Serialization is done according to the applicable guidelines of the respective member state.
- Compliance with Russian laws and regulations.
- Serialization of all packaging materials with a single laser coding system.
- One control system for serialization and all aggregation levels.
- Serialization takes place after the final reject (checkweigher), making the system ready for the digital tax stamp.
- No changes in the overall layout of the entire production line. Systems are integrated into the current layout.