The DJURA Cigar is specifically designed for serialization of cigar packaging. Despite its many functionalities, the Djura Cigar occupies less than two square meters of space.
- Packaging recognition (ensures production of the correct product)
- Packaging quality control (position and orientation, presence and position of seal or tax stamp, and EAN code verification)
- Print surface recognition (always a centered code) Dual laser coding systems (for European and Russian markets)
- Labeling capability
- Code readability verification
- Reject system for rejected packages
Versatile for different markets
Unfortunately, the regulations regarding tobacco products are not yet uniform worldwide. Requirements vary by continent and even by country. The Djura Cigar allows for production for multiple continents and countries with a single packaging solution.
- Independent of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of existing machinery/production line (standalone machine).
- Independent of the EU member state. Serialization is done according to the applicable guidelines of the respective member state.
- Compliance with Russian laws and regulations.
- Serialization of all packaging materials with a single laser coding system.
- One control system for serialization and all aggregation levels.
- Serialization takes place after the final reject (checkweigher), making the system ready for the digital tax stamp.
- No changes in the overall layout of the entire production line. Systems are integrated into the current layout.